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Water Jet

Metal Art, IncWhat is waterjet cutting?

Waterjet cutting combines the use of water and an abrasive pressurized to 60,000 psi and forced through a small hole.  The result is an exceptionally precise and accurate cut for virtually any material.

Why use waterjet technology?

  • Waterjet machinery will make extremely precise cuts.  The cutting tool is controlled by computer and can utilize CAD drawings to generate custom designed components
  • No heat is generated during the cutting process.  Heat is absorbed by the water and transferred to the catch tank
  • Waterjet cutting will not create mechanical stress in materials during use
  • With the relatively low level of sideway or downward force during cutting there is very little movement of material while cutting.  This means there is less of a need for fixturing materials to limit movement during cutting
  • Fast setup and programming of machinery
  • Virtually any material  with a thickness of 6 inches or less can be cut with a waterjet-  MetalArt’s table will cut materials up to 6’x12’x6”

What materials can be cut with the use of a waterjet?

Waterjets can be used to cut a wide range of materials including:

  • Steel
  • Exotic metals
  • Brass
  • Ceramics
  • Quartz
  • Stone
  • Flammable materials
  • Glass
  • Wood
  • Corianne
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